Boston Removes Abraham Lincoln Statue

Boston Removes Abraham Lincoln Statue

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A statue of Abraham Lincoln has been removed from the American city of Boston. In addition to the former president, the statue also shows a former slave kneeling next to him.   The bronze statue is a replica of a statue in Washington and has been in Boston for over […]

On Wednesday, A Decision Will be Taken on Trump's Facebook Profile

Voting Machine Company Employee Sues Trump Campaign

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A senior employee of the Canadian-American voting machine company Dominion has sued outgoing President Donald Trump’s campaign team for defamation.   Since the election in early November, Trump and his supporters have made unsubstantiated electoral fraud allegations against Democrats. According to a widely used conspiracy theory, Dominion would have been […]

US Attorney William Barr Resigns

US Attorney William Barr Resigns

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United States Attorney General William “Bill” Barr has resigned. President Donald Trump has announced this. Barr was a staunch supporter of Trump.   Just after the electoral college named Joe Biden as the winner of the US presidential election, Donald Trump distributed a letter from his Attorney General William Barr […]

US Attorney William Barr Resigns

American Justice Minister Barr is Considering Dismissal

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United States Attorney General William Barr is considering submitting his resignation before the end of President Donald Trump’s term, according to The New York Times and CNN.   Barr ranks as one of Trump’s most loyal allies. Still, the president expressed his disappointment after Barr said earlier that he had […]