Uber-Manager Sent Fire Letter About Self-Driving Cars

Taxi Company Uber is Expected to be Close to A Profitable Business

Uber-Manager sent fire Letter about Self-driving Cars. An Uber manager sent a warning to the top of the company five days before the fatal accident with a self-driving Uber. 


In an e-mail, he wrote that the company took too many risks.

Uber manager Robbie Miller sent the e-mail.

An anonymous source recently leaked the message, according to the reports.

According to Miller, self-driving Ubers were “frequently involved in accidents occurring in damage”.

According to him, the personnel in the cars was inadequately trained to be able to intervene in the event of problems with the autonomous vehicles.

The e-mail states that the Uber summit wanted to take too many risks when testing self-driving cars.

Because Google sister company Waymo received a lot of positive attention because of the large number of self-driving cars,

 Uber would have tried to follow that example.

Fatal accident in March
A self-propelled Uber was involved in a deadly accident in March this year.

The car did not register a woman who crossed the street with her bicycle.

Uber temporarily halted testing self-driving vehicles.

In July the cars were sent back on the road, but with specialists behind the wheel.

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