Two Colonels of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Killed in Israeli Attack in Syria

Two Colonels of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Killed in Israeli Attack in Syria

Two senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers have been killed in an Israeli attack in Syria. The elite military corps report this on Tuesday, which warns against retaliatory actions against “this crime”.


The two fatalities are colonels in the Revolutionary Guards. She died in a rocket attack in a suburb of Damascus, a statement published on Sepah News, the official website of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, said…

The day before, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that two civilians had been killed in the attack. According to the Observatory, the attack targeted a weapons and ammunition depot near Damascus International Airport, south of the capital. According to the Observatory, this depot is said to have been in the hands of “pro-Iranian militias”.

Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes against its neighbour Syria since the outbreak of war in Syria nearly 11 years ago. This year alone, there have been seven attacks. One such attack in February killed two more Syrian soldiers and four militiamen.

Israel targets the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah and other militias supported by Tehran. With this, Israel wants to prevent Iran from expanding its power, including in Syria.

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