Nudist (76) Shoots Masturbating Man (46) Dead on French Nudist Beach

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An argument on a French nudist beach ended fatally on Saturday morning. A 76-year-old nudist shot and killed a 46-year-old man for harassing those present on the nudist beach and even masturbating to a woman.


On the nude beach La Mama, located in the Grand Parc Miribel Jonage near Lyon, a 46-year-old man came across as threatening. He also harassed the other attendees.

When he started masturbating for a woman, one of the regulars of the nudist beach intervened. An argument between the two got out of hand, after which the regular customer – a 76-year-old man – took his gun and shot the other man three times.

Emergency services arrived on the scene and tried to resuscitate the victim, but without success. The 46-year-old man died at the scene. The gunman was arrested without resistance.

The beach was immediately closed to the public. About 100 nudists were present at the time of the incident.

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