Double the Number of Passengers for Ryanair in July

Ryanair Flight Diverted to Brno After GPS Disruptions Over Poland

More and more European holidaymakers are putting aside uncertainty about corona rules across the border and taking the plane. Budget airline Ryanair carried 9.3 million passengers in July.


That is more than twice as many travellers as flew with the Irish company in the same month of last year.

In July last year, Ryanair carried 4.4 million passengers. Passenger numbers also increased strongly compared to June. At that time, only 5.3 million travellers boarded a Ryanair aircraft. The planes were also fuller last month than in June.

Yet the transport figures of the largest airline in Europe are still far from the level of before the corona crisis. Ryanair, for example, transported 14.8 million travellers in July 2019, which is 59 percent more than in the past month.

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