Texas District Court Dismisses Complaint Against Drive-Through Votes

Texas District Closes 9 of 10 Drive-Through Polling Stations

A court in the US state of Texas has dismissed a complaint from Republicans against ten locations that can be used to vote from the car.


That reports The New York Times. According to the Republicans, a so-called drive-through ballot box is not allowed by law.

More than 120,000 people have already submitted their votes in recent days to one of the ten voting points in Harris County, Texas.

The complainants are now going to a national court to have the votes declared invalid. That case is due Monday.

A Harris County attorney called the charge an “attempt to suppress voters.” “This is crazy; voices should be counted.”

Harris County is a predominantly Democratic area. A Republican representative from neighbouring Montgomery County blames the Democratic administrators of Harris County for having voting sites in mostly Democratic neighbourhoods.

“If it was really about voter safety, why are only Democratic voters being helped like that.”

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