President Trump and Pence are Among the First to Receive A Vaccine

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US President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and other top executives can be among the first to receive the newly approved corona vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech.


Sources that are near involved in the vaccination plans report this.

Key White House personnel and officials in the US government will be vaccinated over the next 10 days, the sources say.

It is not yet known definitively whether Trump will receive the vaccine immediately because he has already been infected with the coronavirus.

Large amounts of the vaccine will arrive at 145 locations across the country on Monday. The first doses are for people working in health care and older people in nursing homes.

Older government officials are also among the first to be vaccinated, National Security Council John Ullyot reported.

This is according to the protocol to ensure that the US government can continue to function during a pandemic or an emergency.

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