‘Hacker German Politicians Return The Twitter Account To German YouTuber’

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‘Hacker German politicians Return the Twitter account to German YouTuber’. The hacker behind the publication of private data from German politicians has reportedly returned the Twitter account of a German YouTube personality to him.


The Twitter account was returned after a conversation between the hacker and another YouTuber.

The hacker would have taken over the Twitter account of Simon Wiefels, a YouTuber operating under the name Simon Unge.

“First he wanted to talk directly with Unge, later we exchanged e-mail addresses, and he returned the account,”

 states the other YouTuber, who had been in contact with the hacker for several years.

“Thank you, people, have the Twitter account back”, Wiefels brings out his account @Unge on Friday.

According to the YouTuber, the hacker was able to force accounts through a vulnerability in Gmail, Google’s email service. Details about that are missing.

Hacker published private data German politicians and YouTubers
It was announced On Thursday evening that the hacker had placed the private data of hundreds of German politicians online.

He did this through a kind of Advent calendar on Twitter.

From 1 December, the hacker shared links to private details of German celebrities, YouTubers and journalists.

In the last days before Christmas, residential addresses, e-mail addresses,

 and telephone numbers of members of the Bundestag, the German parliament, were placed online.

This concerns data from the Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP), Die Linke, Die Grünen, the SPD and the CDU / CSU.

Data from politicians from the right-wing populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) were not posted online.

It is yet to know who is behind the hack and what his motive is.

It is also not known how the hacker collected the data and from which source or sources the data came.

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