Camp Caribbean: Changing Lives and Making a Difference

Camp Caribbean: Changing Lives and Making a Difference

Are you looking for your next adventure destination? On the other hand, do you want to spend your summer in a place that resembles paradise? You are just on the right page! Everybody loves to spend their summer in a place where they can both find relaxation and adventure together. Summer is the time that everybody meets the wavy turquoise ocean and the fine white sands of the Caribbean.

Thus, to enjoy your summer vacation in the Caribbean, you can apply for its Camp Caribbean. The Camp Caribbean is a programme where sports is the main language when it comes to encouraging and engaging the children or teens to look into issues such as gang culture and obesity.

Camp Caribbean is situated at the tiny and majestic island of Sta. Lucia. The island is 14 miles widespread and 27 miles long. Joining the Camp Caribbean will give you the chance to explore the wondrous beauty of the island, and you will be able to change and touch the hearts of the children who reside on the island. The island does not only possess clear waters and white sands, but you can also explore the greenery of the rainforest.

Spending your summer at Camp Caribbean will never be a waste of time. The camp is located just near the Rodney Bay Strips where the party starts. Camp Caribbean will give all the enjoyable moments you will experience like appreciating the scenery, playing sports, fun swim at the beach, party until dawn night outs.

While loving all the activities, you will also love the local children of the island. Being in Camp Caribbean, you will surely make a difference that you will never find with others.

After you applied for the Camp Caribbean, the team members will meet you at the airport. Subsequently, you will be transported to the place where you will be staying. You will be able to meet other Camp Caribbean participants where you can create a new friendship and stories together.

As what is the programme is all about, you will be coaching sports with other Camp Caribbean members. The sports that you can be involved are Football, Cricket, Rugby, Physiotherapy, Tennis and Netball. You can teach these sports to the local children. This will enable them to understand the issues that they may encounter in the future.

The participants of the Camp Caribbean will be coaching the children with the sport that they have chosen from Sunday to Thursday, and it will be for three hours every day. The children that the participants will be coaching are from the disadvantaged parts of Buenos Aires.

Spending these days with the children will encourage them and will teach them the significance of sports when it comes to issues of obesity and gang culture. This short period can create a big difference to the children of the island.

Moreover, Friday and Saturday will be the time for the participants to discover the hidden beauty of Sta. Lucia Island. Experience is not needed in this camp as long as you have the willingness to teach the children, knowledge about the sport and knows how to play it.

Camp Caribbean is always open to participants who want to take part in changing and making a difference in someone else’s life. Applying at Camp Caribbean will be big fun and adventure for the participants. They will not only coach the children, but they will also touch and transform their lives.

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