Amazon Stops Dark Patterns, But Only in Europe

Amazon Stops Dark Patterns, But Only in Europe

If you want to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription, you can do that with two mouse clicks. At least if you live in Europe.


This is the result of requirements from the European Commission. He says in a statement that she has forced Amazon to show a highly visible ‘Unsubscribe’ button after complaints from various consumer organizations.

The so-called ‘dark patterns’ of the process were not in line with European rules. ‘Dark patterns’ are the maze through which companies direct you when you want to do something they would rather not have, such as cancelling a subscription or defining privacy settings more sharply.

Often you have to navigate through a whole series of menus and ‘are you sure?’ windows.

In practice, Prime’s website now has a clear button and you should be able to cancel your subscription with a few mouse clicks. The adjustments to the website apply to countries of the EU and the European Economic Zone (including Norway and Iceland).

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