Trump Tested Negative to Resume Campaign in Florida

On Wednesday, A Decision Will be Taken on Trump's Facebook Profile

US President Donald Trump has been tested negative for the coronavirus for several days in a row. White House doctor Sean Conley said shortly after Trump travelled to Florida for an election rally.


Trump held an election rally at an airport near Orlando, Florida, on the night from Monday to Tuesday.

That will be the first rally since Covid-19 hit Trump. The president won Florida by a 1.2 percent difference in the 2016 election but is now about 4 percent behind Democratic rival Joe Biden in the polls.

Several thousand people attended the rally.

Neither Trump nor most of those present wore a mouth mask. Images from American news channels also show how the supporters are close together without keeping a distance of 1.5 meters.

Trump’s fellow party member Ron DeSantis, Florida governor, was also at the rally. He frequently exchanged high-fives with those present.

Also in many other so-called swing states, Trump is not doing well in the polls. This week, Trump is, therefore making campaign visits to the states of North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Iowa.

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