Doctors Order Extra Skin for Victims of the Volcanic Eruption

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The death toll from the volcano eruption in New Zealand is increasing, but the injured victims are also in terrible shape. Doctors even ordered skin in America to treat the burns.


Our supply of skin is sufficient at the moment, but we are looking for additional facilities so that we can manage demand, “said Dr Peter Watson of District Health Boards. The doctors anticipate that they will need 120 m² of skin to treat burns patients. An average adult person has 1 to 2 m² of skin.

Extra skin has already been ordered from American skin banks; hospitals from Australia have already provided help. The demand for skin peaks, because the victims of the volcanic eruption suffered mainly severe burns.

A further 21 patients are being cared for in four hospitals in New Zealand. Sixteen of them are in critical condition. Several Australian victims were taken by plane to hospitals in Sydney.

Of the 31 patients, 27 people have very severe burns. At least 71 percent of their bodies are burned. “The majority have trouble breathing, and there is damage to the lungs,” Watson said. More than twenty injured people are in critical condition.

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