WhatsApp Facilitates Voice Messages

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It will now be more user-friendly to create and listen to voice messages on WhatsApp. The feature is getting its biggest update since its launch in 2013.


Whatsapp is primarily a chat app but has been able to send voice messages for almost ten years; about seven billion are sent every day. But that function has been quite simple until now and not always very user-friendly.

That will change in the coming weeks. Meta, the company behind WhatsApp, is announcing some new features. For example, you can choose to play at 1.5 or 2 times the speed from now on. The sound wave is also visualized.

For the first time, you will also be able to continue to listen to a voice message when you are busy with other apps or other chat conversations. A playback interface will then appear on your screen, similar to when you listen to music. You can also pause a message and pick up later where you left off.

The recording is also easier: you can pause a recording and resume later from now on. It will also be possible to listen to your message before sending it.

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