UN: Food Shortage Threatens in Myanmar as a Result of Military Coup

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Nearly 3.4 million Myanmar residents are expected to face food shortages in the coming months due to the country’s military coup.


The United Nations report this. More than 54 million people live in Myanmar.

As a result of the coup, many jobs have been lost in multiple sectors, leaving millions of residents barely able to afford their food. Simultaneously, the food price is going up, and the UN is receiving signals that families are skipping meals or eating less nutritious food.

Since the army took over, many banks have been closed, and people cannot access their money. Import and export are at a standstill, as are many factories.

The army took power in Myanmar in February, claiming fraud in the parliamentary elections. They had been convincingly won last year by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy, while a party affiliated with the military suffered a heavy defeat.

The military says they want to return power to civilians over time.

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