Not Trump But Pence Enlisted the Help of the National Guard

America is Embarrassed on the Global Stage: Mike Pence Lashes Out at Joe Biden

Not President and Supreme Army Chief Donald Trump, but Vice President Mike Pence enlisted the National Guard’s help in Washington DC.


That’s what several employees of the Department of Defense and the White House say. Members of the National Guard are being used to drive Trump supporters from the Capitol.

Naturally, Trump, as commander in chief, should summon the National Guard. However, he didn’t, after which Pence took that responsibility.

A speech by Trump is seen as the call for the rioting crowd to storm the Capitol. After hours, the Capitol was completely cleared out by the police. It would be safe now.

Officers and members of the National Guard are in the process of chasing away any people still crowded around the parliament building. A curfew has been declared in Washington.

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