French Fraudsters Arrested Who Made 62,000 Fake Vaccination Cards

Corona Pass and Testing Completely Cancelled in Sweden, and United Kingdom Wants to Go Even Further

French authorities have arrested five alleged fraudsters who allegedly produced some 62,000 fake vaccination certificates. Three of the suspects are said to have hacked the data of 35 doctors to make the evidence.


The case came to light after a health insurance company discovered that a doctor was in the records of thousands of inoculations even though he was not involved in those shots.

The French government recently estimated about 200,000 fake vaccination certificates in circulation. However, the evidence is likely to become useless in the long run. In order to be considered fully vaccinated, French people now also need a booster shot, four months after they have had their second vaccine dose.

Since Monday, people in France have to show a vaccination certificate if they want to enter the catering industry or cinemas, for example. Previously, proof of a negative test was sufficient. The announcement of this measure sparked protests against the government.

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